
Showing posts from 2020
 Summer Creations This summer has been slightly different with the pandemic. I have given up my art classes, but I am continuing to create at home. Ever since I saw a Barn Quilt under a mailbox on my way to Clarksville, I have wanted to paint one for our mailbox. Well, guess what? I finally did it! I finished it yesterday. When I hang it under my mailbox, I will take a photo of it. It is two sided. The same on each side. The reason I have a pig in the middle, is because my husband raises show pigs. These are for sale for $50 plus shipping. I will put some eye hooks on top for hanging. Portraits I have been drawing and painting portraits of my grandchildren. It is very challenging, but it's very inspiring! Barn Quilt Kit Another project I took on this summer was creating a Barn Quilt Kit. I am selling this in my store at The painted board is an example. A primed white board is included in the kit, materials, a pattern, and dire

Resurrection Creations

Resurrection Creations To day is Good Friday and we are in the middle of a pandemic with the Corona Vjrus. Jesus certainly suffered a terrible death for us after having been tortured beyond anyone's imagination. The Good News is He did not stay dead in his tomb, but He came back to life 3 days later. He understands all that people are going through this weekend: all of the suffering, sickness, hard work, tiredness, and strife. He will comfort you and help you through this time if you want Him to, When He came out of the tomb, He showed Himself to people He knew. They watched as He ascended into heaven. That is our Hope in Christ Jesus if we accept Him and His love for you and me. Revelation 21:4 ( About Heaven) And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.